tree removal peterborough

Tree Removal

Tree removal in Peterborough, ON is available to you through the services provided by Van Till Tree Care.

Our expert arborists are well prepared to meet the needs of your trees. Our goal is to care for, maintain, and preserve. However, we understand sometimes trees simply need to be removed for the good of your property.

If you suspect a tree in your yard is potentially dangerous, diseased, or otherwise in need of removal, we can help.

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Reasons for Tree Removal

We know that deciding to have a tree removed from your property can be hard. After all, trees are life giving entities that offer a number of great amenities to those who reside nearby. However, we also know there are certain situations that may warrant a tree’s removal.

Trees that are incurably ill will need to be taken down before they can cause extensive damage to your residence. And, depending upon what has caused the illness, it is important to ensure they are removed to prevent contamination to the other trees on your property. Just like illnesses in people, these diseases can spread.

Additionally, trees that have sustained significant damage should be taken off your property. If you notice that there is a split in the trunk, or that one side of the tree seems dead, this is a good indicator the damage is serious. Contact one of our arborists to determine the best course of action for your tree’s situation.

Tree Removal Pricing

Having tree work done in your yard can be a little scary. No doubt one of the first concerns is: “How much is this going to cost me?”

And, the best answer we have for you is: it depends. There are a number of factors that go into removing a tree. The two main elements that will help determine the final cost of removal:

  • Size of the tree. The larger the tree, the more manpower and machinery required to bring it down safely.
  • Location. Trees that are readily accessible will likely cost less than those that require intricate maneuvers.

The other thing that will come into play here focuses on what is actually wrong with the tree. Since we don’t want to contaminate your other trees with pests or diseases, careful planning might be necessary in the event a tree is infested or infected.

The severity of the issue will also contribute to pricing calculations. But, rest assured, we offer free quotes. So, you’ll know up front what you will be paying for the removal.

Van Till Tree Care is Here for You

We can safely remove your tree and even grind the stump so your yard can be returned to its original pristine beauty.

Our owner, Shane Vanden Tillaart, is certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). He’s also a TRAQ certified tree risk assessor and a certified utility arborist, just to name a few areas of specialization. Van Till Tree Care is here for you with nearly 20 years of experience.

Don’t hesitate to call us for all your tree removal and other tree care needs, like tree pruning. We offer free quotes and are available to assist you in emergencies.

Call Van Till Tree Care for Your Free Estimate:
(705) 653-3777 or (800) 554-3834